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Lesson 1Your First Webpage

Knox badge
Lesson 1Your First Webpage
  • To build a basic webpage
  • The different requirements that are needed for creating a webpage
  • I will be able to modify an HTML webpage
  • I will be able to use tools to examine existing web pages
  • I will be able to save and preview a webpage

You have already built your own websites in S1 using online tools to help you do this. Whenever you are using a browser to test a webpage, you should use Google Chrome.

  • 1

    What software did we use in S1 to develop websites?

  • 2

    Apart from a computer, what else do we require to visit a website?

  • 3

    Name the software that you use to access a website.

  • 4

    Find a website you visit frequently and take a screenshot. Add the screenshot on Google Classroom.

    Upload your screenshot below:

Webpages are created with HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML is a type of code that tells the computer how to display the webpage. Google Sites is an example of a WYSIWYG or What You See Is What You Get editor. This means you simply need to drag and drop or click on buttons to create a website.

Most websites are written using code rather than using methods like WYSIWYG. This allows the developer to access more advanced features and customisation that are not available through a drag-and-drop editor like Google Sites.

This worksheet you are using right now has been built with HTML. 

Working with a webpage

There are two ways you can see how a webpage is formed. Both of these are very useful for finding errors in a webpage.

Viewing the source code

Ever wondered how a webpage is built? It's very easy to find out how the HTML of a website is built by using a web browser.

Hitting the Control (or Command on a Mac) + U button combination or right-click then View Page Source in Google Chrome will open the View Source option. Here you can see the HTML that makes up the webpage.

Using the inspector

Most web developers learn from seeing what other people have done and this has become much easier since the introduction of Google Chrome in 2008. The web inspector allows you to easily see how a webpage is created using HTML. The difference between the inspector and viewing the source code of the webpage is that the inspector is interactive, meaning you can change the page as you use it. Using this tool you can modify the page (temporarily of course) to test out changes before writing the actual code. 

To use this hit the F12 key or right-click then Inspect in Google Chrome.

  • 1

    View the source of a webpage. Inspect the code on a webpage, modify the page and screenshot it.

    Upload a screenshot of your modified page below:

  • 2

    Describe the difference between viewing the source code and inspecting the page

Your first webpage

Your first webpage is fairly straightforward to build. You do not need anything other than a simple text editor such as Notepad to create a webpage.

Write the following code into Notepad++ or Brackets.

<!DOCTYPE html>

The code shown previously is sometimes referred to as the basic structure of a webpage or the basic HTML page. This is because all pages start with this structure. 

Save the file into your S2 > Computing > Web folder as template.html making sure it ends with .html in the file name. Find the file on your computer and open it with Google Chrome (right-click, Open with and select Google Chrome). 

Now copy this template.html (either by opening and copying the code inside it or by copying the file and renaming it) file and name it page1.html. Change your code in page1.html so that it now looks like the following. Remember to save your code straight after. 

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My wee about page</title>
    <p>My name is</p>
    <p>My favourite subject is</p>
    <p>My favourite food is</p>
    <p>My favourite colour is</p>
  • 1

    Add in the missing information (for example My name is Mr Balfour). After that open it with Google Chrome to ensure that the page is working correctly.

    Enter your code below:

  • 2

    Describe what your webpage looks once you have viewed it in a browser.

  • 3

    What does the <title> do on the website?


Tags are an important part of HTML that allows the developer to specify what the webpage needs to have in it.

There are hundreds of tags available. And, since HTML is what is called a living standard (this means it is always getting updates), there are more being added all the time.

Developers sometimes need to look up how to write specific tags and it's not expected that even the most experienced developers or even people who create the tags can remember everything about them at all times. There are many useful websites that can help with this, giving you the code you need to write the HTML. One such website is 

W3 Schools

Tags are fairly straightforward, for most tags, there is an opening and closing tag. Inside both tags, there is the type of tag that will be used inside.

How tags are represented

Notice with the closing tag that the type of tag is preceded by a forward slash. Some tags such as the <img> tag or the <link> tag do not have closing tags and are known as self-closing tags.

  • 1

    Look up the following tags and write the name or a short description of the tag below.

    <!DOCTYPE html>

    After you have found each of these, test them out on your page.

Once you have answered each of the questions, remember to save this worksheet by pressing the Save button.

S2 Web Development Lessons
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-- DragonDocs version 0.9 --


Started on DragonDocs
Created a YASS/PHP and HTML-based system for saving and retrieving data

Added CSS styles to page
Added JavaScript code to the page

Added the multipage option (used in my dissertation)
Added the XMLHttpRequest-based multipage requests

Added the Accessibility features
Filters added

Purple filter added

Added the Note class
Added the Did You Know class

-- DragonDocs version 1.0 (Yosemite) --

First trial of DragonDocs in teaching

Added the Task, Starter, Review your learning sections

Added the feedback feature
Added the Dark Mode toggle

Performance gains through the removal of unnecessary code
Added the Learning Intentions and Success Criteria features
Added the school badge

Changed the headings (h2) to be more consistent with my website
Added sections to the pages - sections must be preceded by a h2
Added the "I have read this section" buttons
Changed the main heading zone to gradient text like my website
Added the table of contents feature

Added the Print feature
Updated the footer to feature a new gradient
Added the Test It! class
Added the green flag
Automated the table of contents using JavaScript

Added the 'includes' feature to the document, allowing inclusion of other files easily
Removed the requirement that the IP address must be one of the schools I have taught at, opening these documents to the public

Once a section has been read or completed, the user can now hide that section

Added the Extension task class
Changed the scrollbar on Windows to match that of macOS

-- DragonDocs version 2.0 (Kilimanjaro) --

Added the Save button and the ability to save 'results' or answers to a Word document

Added the large numbers class
Removed the background of the page navigation

-- DragonDocs version 2.1 (Aurora) --

Added the active class to active links in the bottom section

Added the image upload feature

Added a fix that prevents the upload of non-image files into an image upload
Added pasting images to the upload feature

Added the ability to view the changelog from a document
Improved the feedback system by recording the DragonDocs User ID and the Document ID data
The feedback from DragonDocs can be accessed much easier

Added the new step_by_step_mode feature, allowing sections to be viewed individually
Added the ability to lock and unlock DragonDocs

Added new checkboxes to each list item in a .task or .step
Added functionality to said checkboxes to add a strikeout to steps completed

Added the new 'step' class
Steps are now auto incremented in CSS so the name displays the step number
Activities are now also auto incremented to display the activity number

Added the 'matcher' feature to DragonDocs
Fixed an issue in which a closed section would retain it's original height within the document navigation
Added starters and the lesson review to the navigation on the side
The learning intentions and success criteria in teaching documents have now been redesigned to match my slides design

All buttons are now on the right hand side
The accessibility button now has WAI under it

-- DragonDocs version 2.2 (Serengeti) --

Code has been rewritten from the ground up to be object-oriented, making additional features easier to add

Changed the look of grouped multiple choice buttons

Added the new dragondocs_name feature and the requires_name property which allows names to be prepended to saved documents

Added code so when the user types in their name and hits the enter key it will save that data and close the modal window
Added the new DragonShow and DragonDocs Link - a connection between both services that allows the presenter to communicate with users of DragonDocs from a DragonShow
Added the new timer option which is sent from DragonShows

The matcher feature is no longer embed from but actually a feature of DragonDocs
Made DragonDocs 100% object-oriented, meaning much better management and better performance

Made subtle changes to the interface to tidy it up a bit

The multiple choice questions are now also part of the object oriented interface

As requested, h3 elements are now included in the 'floating navigation'
The active navigation element now becomes bold and the left border has been retired

Saving files now exports as a PDF which now also embeds all fonts

Select dropdowns are now temporarily saved to local storage and are now recovered when the document is reopened

Time left
