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Lesson 8Your Own Game

Knox badge
Lesson 8Your Own Game
  • Learn how to plan a project
  • Learn how to develop a project, understanding the capabilities and limitations of a piece of computer software (Scratch)
  • I will be able to develop a project using Scratch, knowing the boundaries of the program

In this lesson you will be building your own game using Scratch. You will be expected to meet a certain success criteria to accomplish this.

Your game should be either your own idea or using one from a tutorial online based on an existing game.

There will be prizes for the best and most original games created by the year group.

Your success criteria

To successfully build your complete game, you must:

  • Use at least 2 variables
  • Include one loop
  • Include one condition
  • Include at least one event
  • Include one motion feature
  • Include a victory and/or loss condition.

As an extension to this, you can try and:

  • Add in an introduction menu to your game.
  • Come up with your own idea and document it in the sheet.

Scratch game ideas

These are only ideas and you do not have to go with them!


Pong is a very popular game to make in Scratch because it's quite easy to do. Pong is a simple two-player game where players control paddles to hit a ball back and forth.

Catch the fruit

A game where the player controls a basket or a character that needs to catch fruit falling from the sky. You could add different kinds of objects, some that give points and others that the player should avoid.

Maze runner

A maze game (you can draw this as a background or, if you feel like a challenge, use the Pen tool to draw it for you) that the player has to navigate to reach the end. You can introduce obstacles, timers, and collectibles to make the game more engaging.

Space shooter

A game where the player controls a spaceship and has to shoot down incoming asteroids or enemies. You can add upgrades for the ship, different enemy types, and boss fights.

Remember, these are just ideas!

  • 1

    Write down as many ideas for a game as you can think of.

  • 2

    Pick one of those ideas for your final game and write it below. This will be what your game becomes.

You can now start to make your game. 😀

  • 3

    When you have finished, upload your screenshot below:

S1 Scratch Lessons
S1 Scratch Extension Tasks
S1 Scratch Assessment
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-- DragonDocs version 0.9 --


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-- DragonDocs version 1.0 (Yosemite) --

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Time left
